$BUT and $deBUT

How can I earn $BUT?


What can I do with $BUT?


Is there a lock-up period?


deBUT utility

  • Protocol Revenue Distribution Holders of $deBUT earn a share of the protocol’s revenue, such as borrow fee, interest fee, liquidationfee, PSM fees, and POL revenue, providing a stable source of passive income. The share of fees earned is proportional to your $deBUT holdings at the time the fees are generated.​

  • BUCK Savings Rate (BSR) Boost If users stake their $BUCK stablecoin to receive $sBUCK, holding $deBUT can further boost the BSR(BUCK Savings Rate) on staked $sBUCK by an additional 4% to 8%, thereby enhancing their passive income potential.

  • Governance Voting Rights Holding $deBUT grants users weighted voting rights in protocol governance. This means they have a say in critical governance decisions, such as how funds are utilized, changes in interest rates, the addition of new assets, and support for new protocols.

Voting governance of deBUT


Last updated