$B and $stB

How can I earn $B?

$B is earned in ways:

  • Details will be provided soon.

What can I do with $B?

$B holders can lockup their $B to get $stB. The longer the user chooses to lock up, the more $stB the user gets. $stBKT holders earn fees(Borrow Fee, Redemption Fee, PSM fee, and Flash-Loan Fee, etc.) from Bucket Protocol.

How much will my $stB earn?

Your $stB will earn a share of the fees equal to your share of the total $stB, at the instant the fee occurred.

Is there a lock-up period?

Users choose the lock-up period when they choose to stake $B. If users decide to withdraw $stB to $B before the period ends, users can only get 50% of the initial amount.

Last updated